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Parents and Educators

Reading Club Fun aims to be a catalyst – to help grownups encourage kids to read more broadly and help them achieve greater independence and enjoyment of life.

Books play an important role in our online club, but we believe that reading of all kinds can contribute to creating bright, inquisitive minds. We encourage kids to read everything from online news to comic books, from recipes to videogame players guides. The lesson is that reading opens up every avenue – to a better understanding of the world, to a higher quality of life, to greater career opportunities down the road.

Grownups play a critical role in helping to illuminate these reading opportunities. But thinking up ideas and creating methods for encouraging reading can be difficult. That’s where Reading Club Fun comes in. We create tools – from book reviews, to ideas for reading fun, to printable puzzles, reading logs and certificates – to help you nurture good reading habits in children. Reading Club Fun is designed for:

  • Parents – to encourage their children to read books and break from electronic devices to engage in quiet puzzle work
  • Grandparents – to learn about quality books and do educational activities with their grandkids
  • Teachers – to provide incentives to reluctant readers and enrichment to motivated learners
  • Home-Schoolers – to supplement instructional materials with free Club tools
  • Librarians – to share fun puzzles and display readers’ achievements around the library

Anyone can come to our site and print free puzzles, reading logs and certificates, as well as take advantage of our book reviews and other resources. To take it a step further, for a very low cost, you can become a subscriber.

Start encouraging kids to be better readers